Group of 4 CTs reported by TBV and picked up by CBP
End of the road for two more criminal trespassers/illegal aliens
Yet again, end of the road for two CTs under TBV eyes waiting on CBP to pick up
Pattin’ down another CT on S. Texas ranch during TBV op
Pattin’ down yet another CT on private ranch
CBP doing routine search of CTs before loading up
More incursion by illegals onto private ranch lands
More CTs picked up on private ranch by CBP
CTs on private ranch awaiting CBP
Eyes on activity
Air assets
Border Patrol pattin’ down CT (criminal trespasser) on private S. TX ranch
Waiting on arrest by CBP; more CTs found and reported by TBV
End of the line for another CT, found and reported to Border Patrol agents
Group of 3 reported and taken into custody by CBP
End of the road for several more illegals being loaded up!
Two more waiting on a green and white taxi back to their home country!
National Institute of Migration of Mexico issues travel document to a Cuban! 7 days later the paper work is found on a ranch in Brooks Co.(70 mi. north of the Tex/Mex border)!
April Watch
This one’s too good not to post on this page…
Not “exactly” what you’d expect to find out in the middle of a 50,000+ acre ranch, now is it??!!!
El Sal illegal apparently sharing his views on being discovered trespassing on private ranch land. Wonder if he shared that same opinion with Border Patrol.
March Watch
IA from Guatemala discovered on private ranch
Border Patrol responds quickly to pick up Guatemalan illegal
February Watch
Two more IAs escorted off private land
Four illegals reported by TBV and apprehended by Border Patrol
End of the road
Waiting on agents
December Watch
Injured Honduran rescued by TBV
August Watch
End of the road for 12 of 13 illegals spotted by TBV and reported to and captured by BP
Rescue of female single abandoned by her group
June Watch
End of the line
May Watch
End of the line for Tango Blaster coyote and company!
NEW!! – Tango Blaster cargo apprehended by Border Patrol
End of the road!
Youth – May watch
Two more IAs
4 illegals from El Salvador
Loading up suspected coyotes
Suspected coyote
Illegal aliens apprehended and secured by Border Patrol during the Nov.2013 watch.
Group of 6 CTs abandoned by coyote
Group of 12 CTs
Husband comes out of brush to be with wife as she falls ill
El Salvadorian woman with 7 year old daughter and distressed female from Mexico
March watch: Rescue of a lone 13 yr old El Salvadorian boy
March watch: Clothes ripped from walking thru thorns & brush
March watch: A portion of a group of 41 IA’s apprehend by Border Patrol
March watch: large group
Illegal aliens continue to trespass onto Falfurrias ranches. 2/9/2013
TBV January watch: 38 illegal aliens reported to Border Patrol
When agents are overwhelmed and low manned, they have the IA’s take their shoes off
gray hoodie did not want his picture taken
As a result of the Dream Act, an increase in juveniles are seen in illegal alien groups
Pregnant woman trying to slip into the country with an anchor baby
El Salvadorians
October 2012
MS-13 tattoo
MS-13 El Salvadorian apprehended after bailout
Part of a bailout August 2012
Part of a bailout August 2012
TBV rescued man and his nephew
Rocks for throwing? Persuaded to set rocks down!
Trying to negotiate
Death in the brush
Abandoned by Coyotes, Rescued by TBV
TBV spring watch 2011